OWNER: Harris County, Georgia
ENGINEER: Carter & Sloope, Inc.
CONTRACT AMOUNT: $2,502,000.00
This project consisted of furnishing all equipment and materials and performing all labor necessary to construct three 29,000 gallon concrete flocculation basins, two 258,000 gallon concrete sedimentation basins two 212,000 gallon earthen lagoons; installation of static mixer, mechanical flocculators, sludge collection, effluent launders, fiberglass baffles, chemical feed pumps, sludge pump, process instrumentation, yard piping, stormwater piping, chemical feed piping, concrete weir structure, demolition of existing upflow clarifiers, SCADA modifications, electrical, asphalt paving, earthwork, temporary haul road, NPDES, soil erosion & sediment control, and all other appurtenances necessary to place the new treatment processes into operation.